Thoughts and Prayers Please pray for Señora Connie Fox-Arrington, grandmother of Trinity and Thomas Martin and our beloved CSSE Spanish teacher, who is going through aggressive breast cancer treatment starting this week. Please also continue to pray for CSSE alum Martin Horn, uncle of Rebecca and Joseph Horn and son of parishioner Pat Horn, who was badly injured in a surfing accident off the coast of North Carolina. If you would like to include something in the Thoughts and Prayers section, please contact Kristin Goodale at [email protected]
Dates to Jot Down Today: School Mass, 8:15am – Visit from Archbishop
Oct. 20: Fall Break – No School
Oct. 21:St. Eugene Gala!
Oct. 24:Make up Picture Day
Oct. 25:Report Cards sent home via Renweb
Oct. 27:Halloween Parties Trunk-Or-Treat! 6:30pm, South Parking Lot
Nov. 3:Gala Bedlam Free-Dress Day
Nov. 10: Spirit Day!
Trunk- or- Treat!! Friday, October 27, 2017, south parking lot
-6:30 p.m. Trunk or Treating Begins
-7:15 p.m. Outdoor Movie Begins
Bring your blankets or lawn chairs!
Be sure to wear your costumes and bring a treat bag! Popcorn and bottled water will be for sale for 50¢.
>>We need trunkers!! Please help us make Trunk- or -Treat special for our families. Partner with a family or create a trunk with your own family. If you are interested in having a trunk at this year’s Trunk-or-Treat, please contact Liz Metz at [email protected]. Time and talent hours are available to trunkers!
>>We are also in need of candy donations. Please bring candy or treats that can be used for trunk-or-treat. There is a box in the main office.
BoxTop Blitz! Thanks to all who have already turned in their BoxTops! We have had a great response so far, but please keep them coming! The deadline for the fall drive is Oct. 30, so please have your student turn theirs in by that date.
Report Cards Report cards will be sent out via RenWeb on Wed, Oct. 25. To ensure that you receive your child’s report card, please take care of all financial holds. If you do not receive your child’s report card by Oct. 25, please contact the school office.
8th Grade Testing Information has been sent out regarding the Highschool Placement Test (HSTP) for all 8th grade students. You can register for the test at or Please remember that it is a requirement that all 8th grade students take this test regardless of where they will be attending high school.
Spirit Day Moved – November 10 Due to the auction Bedlam free dress day being Nov 3rd, Spirit dress day has been moved to Friday, Nov. 10. This is also Veterans Day, so students may wear either CSSE gear or patriotic clothing.
School Store Open for Business Our 5th graders are selling school supplies! All proceeds go to Friends of Bolivia. Store hours: 7:40-8:00am Tues, Wed, Fri.
School-Wide Information Distribution Policy Parents and committee/group chairs: please remember that anything sent home school-wide and/or in Friday Folders, must be reviewed and approved by the principal, or in his absence, the assistant principal, prior to distribution. To have a flyer or piece of information approved, please either email your information to [email protected] or bring a copy to the school office for review by Wednesday of that week.
Faith and Fun! Middle School Youth Group is meeting on Tues, Oct. 24 from 3:00 - 4:45. Pizza, drinks, and snacks will be served. Learn different ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus and have fun with your friends. See you Tuesday!
The Gala Is This Saturday!!! Thank you to everyone who has turned in Raffle Ticket money, purchased Gala tickets, donated to the class baskets, and signed up to volunteer!
We are still in need of:
Gift Cards worth $25 or more
Bottles of wine worth $20 or more for our pulls
Desserts for our Dessert Auction
You can drop off any of these items to the church office by Friday, or you can even donate money online for the Gala Committee to purchase them on your behalf!
There are still tickets for the Gala available as well! Contact Kristy Simmons at 637-8231 or
[email protected] with any questions.
>>> Get your Time & Talent hours here! <<< Come help us decorate for the Gala!! 9am-Noon on Saturday morning 10/21 at the hotel! Go to the signup genius link below to let us know you can help!
Need Time and Talent Hours? The Middle School Youth Group is always in need of volunteers to help with our weekly meetings. Come hang out with our fantastic kids and earn time and talent hours at the same time. Schedule a Tuesday afternoon to go to youth group and help out! Call or text Christi Benites, 405.206.5885
Are Your Finances Out of Shape? Now is the perfect time to focus on your Financial Fitness. Join us for a fun and informative workshop where we’ll dive into several financial concepts including:
The Rule of 72
The High Cost of Waiting
Dollar Cost Averaging
Debt Stacking
Revolving Debt Traps
How Mutual Funds Work
Why a Will Is Important
How Long Term Care Works
How Your Life Insurance Policy Works
This free class will be offered on Sunday, Nov. 5, following the 9:30 a.m. Mass in the meeting rooms. Light refreshments will be provided. Presented by St. Eugene Catholic Church.
New Communications Request Form for Social and EE Have news or info you want the school to share with parents and staff on the school’s social media page or Eagle Express? Use the new Communications Request form on the school website! The requests go to a central email that is checked frequently and each request is approved by the school prior to posting.
Basketball Sign Up Deadline Tomorrow! Join St. Eugene basketball! Children in Kindergarten through 8th grades are eligible to play. Basketball Sign-Up forms can be found on the school website. The deadline to register is Fri, Oct. 20, and forms should be returned to the school office. Please call the CSSE Basketball Coordinator Barry Schwarz with any questions: 405.919.6976. Visit the Catholic Grade School Athletic Association (CGSAA) for rules and other information concerning the CGSAA Basketball League at
Vendors and Crafters Still Wanted! The Youth Group is having a Vendor & Craft Fair on Nov. 11. A limited number of tables are still available. There will be NO DUPLICATE vendors or crafters. More than half of our available spots have been filled so hurry and contact Christi to secure your spot! 405-206-5885 or
[email protected].
St. Patricia’s Guild Meeting Women of the parish are invited to St. Patricia’s Altar Society Guild meeting! It will be held Thurs, Nov. 2 at 9:30am at the home of Priscilla Chastain, 12532 Deep Wood Creek Drive, OKC, OK 73142. This meeting will be our annual 'Make-It, Bake-It, Fake-It" silent auction fundraiser. Please bring an item for the auction and a plate of finger food to share. Prizes will be given to Bunko game winners! Contact Priscilla with questions at 470-2045. Co-hostess is Ann Schmitz. Free babysitting is available if reserved at least a week ahead of the meeting. Call Christie 405-842-2323(home) if you need more information or would like to request babysitting.
Howdy Partners! Scholastic Book Fair Heading to Town! All For Books Coin Challenge
October 30 - November 3
We are collecting money to purchase books from the Book Fair. These books will be sent to a Catholic School damaged by Hurricane Harvey. Scholastic will match our donations and send books to their chosen charity.
Maverick Monday, October 30: Pennies
Two Gun Tuesday, October 31: Nickels
Wild West Wednesday, November 1: Dimes
Tumbleweed Thursday, November 2: Quarters
Round Up Friday, November 3: all coins and currency
Coins will be counted daily. The winning class will receive a Free Dress Day on November 18!
Book Fair Schedule November 11-17 (Students must be accompanied by an adult before and after school)
Saturday: 9:00 am-12:00 noon -- Monday: 7:30 am- 4:00 pm Tuesday: 7:30 am- 4:00 pm -- Wednesday: 7:30 am- 4:00 pm Thursday: 7:30 am- 4:00 pm -- Friday: 7:30 am – 9:00 am