PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for Ms. Patrick's sister-in-law, Vickie, as she has major back surgery scheduled for next week. Keep in your prayers CSSE 5th grade student Jesalyne McKinish, who is now home but still recovering serious infection. Keep Robyn Paliotta, grandmother of Christopher and Sofia Petromilli, in your prayers, as she undergoes her cancer treatment. Pray for Karen Vandiver, great grandmother of Alaina and Davyn Schoppa who is battling breast cancer. Please pray for Joe Hill, husband of former CSSE teacher and librarian Lynn Hill, who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at
[email protected]
IMPORTANT DATES Today School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Jan 11 Spirit Day!
School Geography Bee (CSSE Finalists), 8:30am
Wed, Jan 16 100th Day of School!
Thurs, Jan 17 School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Jan 18 Ice Cream Day
Mon, Jan 21 SALT Day of Service (in school) and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Thurs, Jan 24 School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Jan 25 Ice Cream Day
Sat, Jan 26 Catholic Schools Week (CSW) 2019 Parent Kick Off
Tues, Jan 29 Eagle Expo Student Learning Showcase/Family Pizza Night, 5:30-7:30pm
Fri, Feb 1 CSW School Lunch with Your Child
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Spirit Day Tomorrow! Students may wear a Spirit Day approved shirt and jeans tomorrow!
Report Cards 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home to all parents Wednesday, January 16th. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Families that have financial holds will not be receiving report cards, so please take care of those as soon as possible.
Check Your School Account Balances Please login to Renweb/FACTs and pay any outstanding tuition and cafeteria balances. Make sure you have also paid any outstanding balances for sports and electives, including band fees for both semesters.
Report cards go home next Wednesday only if tuition and cafeteria accounts are in good standing.
SAVE THE DATE FOR NEW CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK EVENTS! Catholic Schools Week is only a few weeks away (January 26th-February 2). We are planning lots of activities for the students, volunteers, and families. Several events happen outside of school hours, and we have two NEW events you'll want to mark on your calendar now.
Save the Date for the PARENTS ONLY Eagle Parent Kick Off on Saturday evening, Jan. 26th. Details to come via ClassTag
Make sure you free up your evening for our Eagle Expo: A Showcase of Student Learning on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. It will be a fun night of fellowship. Details to come via ClassTag.
We are excited to celebrate Catholic education here in our own community. Stay tuned for more CSW 2019 announcements!
SALT Day of Service - Monday, January 21st The Catholic School of Saint Eugene will have their SALT Day of Service on January 21st. Students in grades 1-8 will be taking field trips to participate in various acts of service. Permission slips will go home on Friday, January 11th and they must be returned Tuesday, January 15th. To make this event a success drivers are needed at all grade levels. All students in grades Preschool through 8 must wear their SALT t shirts with jeans.
Enjoy Lunch with Your Child During Catholic Schools Week On Friday Feb 1st, parents are invited to come and eat lunch with their child. Please make reservations with Tina Hackett at
[email protected] by Jan. 25. A flyer will be going home. This is for grades P3 through 5th grade only. Middle school will be enjoying a special pizza lunch in Ross Hall.
Join Technology Club! Technology Club spring semester will begin Thursday, January 24! This club is for STEM minded 4th thru 8th graders. We will be meeting in the art room at CSSE from 6-8. Pizza and Drinks will be provided. We meet every other Thursday same time and place. The cost for the spring semester is $35. Please let us know if your child is planning on attending so that we may be sure to have enough pizza. Text Brigitte Silvernail at 918-706-2815
SALT Book Drive If one of your resolutions for the new year is to tidy up and organize, you can help by donating new or gently-used childrens books to the First Grade SALT Book Drive. First Grade is collecting board books and preschool books for Special Care, a school that serves children with special needs. Our first graders will deliver the books during their SALT field trip later this month. There are boxes outside the First Grade classrooms for book drop off. Thank you for always being generous!
Last Days for Spirit Apparel/PTO Fundraiser School families, tomorrow, January 11 is the final day to place orders for the new spirit apparel. You will order from the link provided below and then pay with cash or check made out to CSSE when your items are delivered to you. All the shirts are available in youth & adult sizes. The outerwear is in adult sizes only. This is a small PTO fundraiser, so with each item that you purchase, you will also be benefiting the school & teachers. If you have any questions, please call or text Ashley Bass at 206-8906.
Safety and Security: Weekday Church Entry In an effort to provide more weekday safety and security for our students, parishioners and staff, we will begin limiting entrance into our non-school buildings to the Ross Hall entrance under the bell tower. Starting Tuesday, January 1, all the outside doors to the church (North, East and South) will remain locked on weekdays. The church will still be accessible, however, by entering under the bell tower. The far northwest entrance, which is a school entrance, will continue to stay locked except for student arrival and dismissal.
EMBRACES: Marriage Enrichment Ministry We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month after the 5:00 pm Mass for about 11/2 hours (next meeting is January 12, 2019).
After a short program, couples are invited to go on a “mini” date to discuss the topics as they relate to their marriages. If they have children in our FREE “Evening Care”, they can stay with us until 10:00pm. Contact us at: [email protected].
Follow us on myParish app / EMBRACES or facebook: St.Eugene EMBRACES
Prayer for a Clean Heart – Parish Mission February 24-26, 2019 Please, Holy Spirit renew my mind, heart and soul. Lord, all I want is to be with You.
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Oh God, heavenly Father! Lord Jesus Christ! Holy Spirit of the living God. Thank You for this, another chance and day You have given to me. Help me to remove all the doubts and unclean thoughts that are inside my mind, heart, and soul now. Let Your power be revealed in me and through me, oh God and create in me a clean heart.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, ” I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Please wake up this sleeping soul. Use my life, oh God, for Your glory and let my life be the proof of Your unfailing love. Oh, sweet Jesus! You never fail to amaze me. Your love remains in me.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Please, Holy Spirit renew my mind, heart, and soul. Lord, all I want is to be with You. Oh God, heavenly Father, please freely use me and my life to be a living testimony of how Your power and wonders have worked in me.
Father, bless our Parish Mission. Bring all those who need to hear it’s message of hope and promise. Create in all a clean heart and a right spirit.
May all of our efforts work to bring you Glory!
Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.