PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for Robyn Paliotta, grandmother of Christopher and Sofia Petromilli who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Pray for Matthew Fowler and his family as they mourn the death of Matthew's grandmother Mrs. Donna Harper. Please pray for Joe Hill, husband of former CSSE teacher and librarian Lynn Hill, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Continue to pray for Thi Pham, mother of Sophia, Celine and Sienna Pham, who is recovering from surgery.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at
[email protected]
IMPORTANT DATES Today School Mass, 8:15am
Nov 10-16 CSSE Book Fair!
Nov 16 Soccer Assembly, 8:00am
Sat, Nov 17 Turkey Bingo! 6:00pm, School Gym
Nov 19-23 NO SCHOOL! - Thanksgiving Break
Nov 28 Green Team Zero Waste Lunch
Nov 30 Ice Cream Day
Dec 7 Spirit Day!
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Christmas Programs & Activities SAVE the Info! Details to come . . .
3rd - 5th students will be performing our Christmas Program this year on the evening of December 18th at 6:30pm. Middle School students have the opportunity to sing or play an instrument for the prelude. (notes were sent home Thursday)
Our Preschool & Kindergarten classes will hold a performance for their families on the morning of Friday, December 21st. Time and details will be sent in classroom information soon.
Our 1st & 2nd graders will have a spring program this year. But, they will get to spread some Christmas cheer to our neighbors by singing Christmas Carols!
Information regarding these special events will be sent out soon with specific details for each grade level!
Parents' Night Out - Flashback Retropub Come out and join the Dad’s Club for a night of craft beer and retro video games at Flashback RetroPub on Friday, November 30th at 7:00pm. Great opportunity to visit with some other St. Eugene parents and play the games that you played when you were a kid. This event is for all parents, not just dads. For questions, contact
[email protected]. Information on Flashback RetroPub can be found at:
WOW! CSSE Collected 3,625 Pounds of Food for Food Drive Thanks to all who donated food for the food drive! The school collected a total of 3,625 lbs of food, and it took the food bank two trips to collect all of the food.
Congratulations to the Francis House Team (which included Long, Kositzky and Price's classes), who won the competition with 1,255 lbs. Patrick House Team brought in 725 lbs, Drexel House Team donated 615 lbs, Aquinas House Team collected 550 lbs, and Kateri House Team gave 480 lbs of food.
Special thanks to the 4th grade students, who helped coordinate and promote the food drive as a part of their SALT service project! Also, thanks to Mrs. Borgert, Mrs. Kositzky, Julie Pham, Ashlei McMahill and other parent volunteers for helping make the project a success!
Green Team Zero Waste Lunch Day - Wednesday Nov. 28th In order to bring attention to everyday waste, Green Team is encouraging students to bring their lunch from home Nov. 28th, and to try to do so in a way that results in nothing being thrown in the trash.
Instead of single serve chips or cookies in a plastic bag, pack sandwiches and snacks from family size containers in a smaller reusable container or bring whole fruit.
Use reusable silverware and cloth napkins.
Bring your own reusable drink bottles.
Forego plastic straws.
Try to pack right-size portions to eliminate food waste.
Google "Waste Free Lunch" for more ideas.
Every student who brings a waste free lunch will have their name put into a drawing for a Zero Waste Lunch prize! We will do a drawing for each lunch period. Our hot lunch program will also try to reduce waste as much as possible on this day.
Thanks for Going Green at St. Eugene!
St. Nick’s Shoppe Catholic Charities and Sunbean Family Services with our generosity and others ensures over 500 selected families will receive the opportunity to visit St. Nick’s Shoppe and select gift items to be placed under their Christmas tree.
Monday November 26 - Wednesday December 5 As part of the Third Grade SALT Service project, we are organizing the collection of gifts CSSE donates each Advent Season.
Visit for more information and gift ideas This is an opportunity for the students to be involved in the act of giving and to provide a variety of gifts please encourage them to select gifts they would be excited to receive!
Teacher’s Wishing Trees Wondering what to get your children’s teachers for Christmas this year? Really want to give them gifts they’ll appreciate and use? Each year the PTO coordinates Wishing Trees for all of our wonderful teachers. Look for Christmas trees, one for every teacher, to appear in the gym the week of November 12. The trees will be decorated with stars, and each star will have a wished for item on it. Reach for those stars and grant the teachers’ wishes!
Good Luck, Coach Bowman! Good luck to Coach Bowman (Middle School Math) and the Fighting Irish!! They made it to the second round of football playoffs and will be facing Bishop Kelley at 7pm in Tulsa. Good Luck, Irish!!
My School Anywhere App – On-line School Directory Access Available Every family at the school has free access to the online directory. For those that have purchased a printed directory, it will be printed and available shortly. Extras will be on sale in the office for $10.
If you are new to the school, you should have received a separate email with log-in instructions. For those using the app for the first time or who need a refresher, here is some additional log-in information:
How do I access my school's account? Simply go to the login page and try logging in. If you don't recall your password, request a new password using the "Forgot my Password" link.
If the system doesn't recognize your email address it means you're not registered in your school's account or you registered with a different email. The online directory will continue to be updated throughout the year so as new students come in or families move, you will always have access to current information. If your personal information changes, please notify Janie Patrick of the change so we can update RenWeb and the online directory.
If you have any questions or are having log-in trouble, please email
[email protected].
Substitute Teachers Needed! The Catholic School of St. Eugene is in need of substitute teachers! If would like more information, please send an email to
[email protected]. Safe Environment training required.
Aftercare Seeking Assistant Director The aftercare program is looking for an energetic, kind, children loving individual to be the new assistant director. During the school year it will be approximately 15 hours a week. Summer camp would be 35 to 40 hours a week
If interested please call Jenny Blevins at 405 535 1975
Just a Few Days Left! CSSE Book Fair, Nov. 10th-16th There's nothing like the excitement of the school Book Fair! We have a variety of fantastic new books, great series, craft kits, and other fun items! It's also a great time to pick up Christmas gifts while supporting the school. For added ease, we have an online Book Fair going on at the same time. When you place your order online by Nov. 26th, you'll be guaranteed FREE shipping (to the school) in time for Christmas! Online shopping ends Nov. 26th.
BOOK FAIR HOURS Sat. Nov. 10 - 9am-12:00pm
M, W, TH - 7:30am-4:00pm
Tues. Nov. 13 - 7:30am-3:00pm
LAST DAY Fri. Nov. 16 - 7:30am-9:00am
Youth Group - Homeless Helpers Project The youth group will be making 'Homeless Helpers' or 'Bags of Love' on Dec 4 as our Nov and Dec service project. Each student will take home 5 individual baggies filled with miscellaneous items to help out an individual on the streets. The youth group will provide all necessary materials to assemble the bags. We are asking for each participating student to provide $7 to cover the cost of their 5 baggies. Please contact Christi Benites with any questions. 405.206.5885 or
[email protected].
Domestic Church Info Session Interested in growing in holiness together with your spouse and building a
community of fellow Catholic families? Come hear more about the
growing Domestic Church movement! Alex and Sarah Schimpf will share
their story and explain the basic practices of the movement at an
informational session at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the St. Eugene
Rectory, 10716 Greystone Ave. Cheese and wine will be served, and free
childcare is available. Contact Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359 or
[email protected] to RSVP.
Advent Booklets - Envelope Stuffing Party When: Nov 15, 9 am - until we're done
Where: Meeting Room 3
Why: We have the opportunity to send out Advent Booklets this year to all of our parishioners and we need your help getting them out!
Please set aside a little bit of time (even if you can't stay the whole time) to come help us seal and send this years Advent booklets. We will provide coffee & donuts, if you will all help provide the fellowship. We are trying to make this Advent a Season of Service, so this is a perfect way to help kickstart that. Hope to see you there!