PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for Karen Vandiver, great grandmother of Alaina and Davyn Schoppa who is battling breast cancer. Keep Robyn Paliotta, grandmother of Christopher and Sofia Petromilli who was recently diagnosed with cancer, in your prayers. Please pray for Joe Hill, husband of former CSSE teacher and librarian Lynn Hill, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Continue to pray for Thi Pham, mother of Sophia, Celine and Sienna Pham, who is recovering from surgery.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at
[email protected]
IMPORTANT DATES Today School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Dec. 7 Spirit Day!
Wed, Dec. 12 Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe, 8:15am, Dress Uniforms
Thurs, Dec. 13 School Mass, 8:15am, Regular Uniforms
Fri, Dec. 14 Ice Cream Day
Tues, Dec. 18 Christmas Program for 3rd-5th Grade, 6:30pm
Fri, Dec. 21 Christmas Program for Preschool and Kindergarten
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more!
New Level I Atrium Time Opening! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based approach to learning our Catholic faith. The 3-6 year old child is especially receptive to delighting in the announcement of God’s love through the Good Shepherd.
Do you have a preschool or homeschooled child who is 3-6 years old? Come to the atrium at St. Eugene’s on Monday, December 10th @ 4:00 p.m. to see and to register. Please email
[email protected] so we will know who to expect.
Moms of St. Eugene is starting up! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting January 9th at 8:15am to meet other moms of St. Eugene! At the meetings we will discuss the upcoming Sunday readings, have fellowship over coffee and end in time for you to go to Adoration. Free childcare is provided so please RSVP by Monday, January 7. For questions or to RSVP please call/text Sarah Schimpf at 703-728-8802 or email at
[email protected]. Join our Facebook group:
Morning Drop Off Reminders If you are dropping your child off before 7:40am you must park in the Greystone/South lot and walk your child in. Any time before 7:40am is considered “Before Care.” Students may not be dropped off in the parking lot before 7:40am.
In the morning, after 7:30am please do not park in the two rows closest to the gym in the Greystone/South lot. These spots are reserved for staff parking. If you are dropping your child off into before care or walking them into the gym please park in the middle lot away from the entrance.
Entry through the Ross Hall doors is prohibited. If you would like to walk your child into the school, please only use the northwest Hefner lot doors.
Remember that in the morning, the Hefner/North lot should ONLY be used for those who wish to park in the designated parking spaces (please do not park in the fire lane) and escort their children in. No student is allowed to be dropped off in the Hefner/North lot. These doors are open at 7:40am.
Only students in grades 1st through 8th can be dropped off in the Greystone/South lot starting at 7:40am.
Spelling Bee Spelling bee lists have gone home for grades first through eighth. Classroom spelling bees will be held sometime in January. Access the spelling word lists and the spelling bee rules and procedures can be found on the link below.
Check Jacket Tags Now is a great time for everyone to take a moment to check the names on the tags of their children's jackets (especially CSSE branded items)! They all look very similar and it is easy to grab the wrong one, so check the tag to be sure your child came home with theirs.
Elective Volunteers Needed We are in our second year of offering elective choices for our middle school students at The Catholic School of Saint Eugene. Currently, our students pick one elective per semester. They go to this elective on Wednesday and Friday from 2:10-3:10. Next semester we would like for the students to have the opportunity to go to two electives. One on Wednesday, and then a different one on Friday.
The school is looking for parent volunteers to share their talents and areas of interest with the middle school students. Please contact Mrs. Ison if there is an elective you would like to share with our students and what day you would like to offer it. This is a great way to earn time and talent hours. It can be a hobby, field of study, or an area of expertise. You will have approximately 10 students at a time. Please contact Mrs. Ison by December 7th if you are interested.
School Directories for Sale in the Office Thank you to all those who preordered the school directory. You should have received your copy through your child’s teacher before Thanksgiving break. There are still copies available for $10 in the school office. Buy one for your car, house, office, etc.!
McKinish Meal Train The McKinishs have a new addition. Wecome, Augustine Michael McKinish! The family is accepting meals to help them for a couple weeks. The link to their meal train is here:
Christmas Programs & Activities SAVE the Info! Details to come . . .
3rd - 5th students will be performing our Christmas Program this year on the evening of December 18th at 6:30pm. Middle School students have the opportunity to sing or play an instrument for the prelude. (notes were sent home Thursday)
Our Preschool & Kindergarten classes will hold a performance for their families on the morning of Friday, December 21st. Time and details will be sent in classroom information soon.
Our 1st & 2nd graders will have a spring program this year. But, they will get to spread some Christmas cheer to our neighbors by singing Christmas Carols!
Information regarding these special events will be sent out soon with specific details for each grade level!
Teacher’s Wishing Trees Wondering what to get your children’s teachers for Christmas this year? Really want to give them gifts they’ll appreciate and use? Each year the PTO coordinates Wishing Trees for all of our wonderful teachers. Look for Christmas trees, one for every teacher, to appear in the gym the week of November 12. The trees will be decorated with stars, and each star will have a wished for item on it. Reach for those stars and grant the teachers’ wishes!
ST. EUGENE PARISH NEWS Parents - Come Hear Kid Catholic! Parents! You're invited to join us for our Middle School youth group meeting on Tuesday Dec 11. Kid Catholic will be with us again having just returned from the Holy Land. He'll talk with us about Mary and his recent pilgrimage experience. Our meeting is from 2pm - 3:45pm.