Thoughts and Prayers
Please pray for healing and improved health for C. Greuel, grandfather of Elliott and Teddy Hattaway. For Señora Connie Fox-Arrington, grandmother of Trinity and Thomas Martin and our beloved CSSE Spanish teacher, who is going through aggressive breast cancer treatment starting this week. Martin Horn, uncle of Rebecca and Joseph Horn and CSSE alum, has made great progress toward recovering from a spinal cord injury. He will soon move to Oklahoma to live with family and continue rehabilitation and healing. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Prayer for Intercession from Fr. Stanley RotherO faithful shepherd, Blessed Stanley Rother, as priest and missionary, you tilled the soil with your hand and invited Christ Jesus to till the soil of your soul. You became a sign of the love of Christ the Good Shepherd for your People, and blessed their lives by your ministry. You stood firm and did not run from danger, bringing glory to God and His Church in your martyrdom. Blessed Stanley, obtain from the heart of Jesus healing and full recovery for those for whom we pray, and pray for me, that I too may be a sign of Christ’s love among His people. Teach me to faithfully till the soil of this life in the reality given to me by our Father, unafraid to stay with those God has given me, no matter the cost. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
If you would like to include something in the Thoughts and Prayers section, please contact Kristin Goodale at [email protected]
Important Dates
Today: School Mass, 8:15am
Christmas Program – 3rd-5th grade & Honor Choir, 6:30
Dec. 8: Christmas Programs – Pre-K-2nd grade, 2:00pm
Dec. 13: Green Team Meeting, School Library, 3:15pm
Dec. 15: Deadline to sign up for Gala's Eagle Ninja Warrior Party
Dec. 21: Christmas Parties/Last Day before break
Dec. 22-Jan. 3: Christmas Break, No School
Jan. 4: Return from Break
Sacrament of Reconciliation Being Offered for Students
Our school is very fortunate to have Father Christopher Brashears offer his time so our students will have more opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Below are the dates that the different classes will be able to go. Please discuss with your child the importance of receiving this Sacrament and encourage them to take the opportunity to go when it is offered for their class. Confession will be every Friday 8:15-9:00.
SCHEDULE: Friday, Dec. 15 - 5th Grade
Eagle Ninja Warrior Party Sign Up Deadline - Dec 15
Compete alongside your child in a fun, ninja-style obstacle course! No experience required. Last year's participants had a blast, so don't miss your chance to sign up for this awesome parent/child event, and get a jump start on your healthy resolutions in the new year!
Saturday morning, Jan. 6th, 2018 at Phamily Fun & Fitness - $120/Team. Includes ninja course training, exclusive t-shirt, snacks, and bragging rights! Limited spots available. Sign up by December 15th at or email [email protected]. (An older family member may participate in place of a parent). Proceeds benefit St. Eugene Church & School and Friends of Bolivia.
Host Families Needed for Catholic Retreat Team Students
The National Evangelization Team (NET) is scheduled to be at St. Eugene Catholic School, Feb 20th to facilitate a Middle School Retreat for our students. We will need to provide housing on Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, Feb 20th as well as dinner each night by the host family. The team includes 6 males and 6 females. The team members travel with sleeping bags and are flexible. They can stay in host homes with a minimum of two team members of the same gender staying together. No one team member should ever be housed alone. We are looking for host families to house two or more of the team members. Host families will fulfill ALL of their Time and Talent obligations for this school year. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Eaton at [email protected] or call the school office. More information on this NET retreat coming soon!
Middle School Elective Forms
Elective Choice forms for grades 6th-8th will be sent home via RenWeb on December 8th. These forms are due no later than December 14th. The school will work very hard to give each student their 1st or 2nd choice but preference will be given to 8th graders (who have turned in their form by December 14th). Also, in some electives space is limited or there area special requirements. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Ison if you have any questions.
Attention 3rd-5th Grade Girls: Girls on the Run is So Much Fun!
St. Eugene will be having a Girls on the Run team again this year. All 3rd-5th grade girls are invited. For more information about enrolling or becoming a coach please call/text Melissa Rainbolt at 405-627-4599. You can register your child at
New Middle School Elective: Cooking!
CSSE is very excited to be offering cooking as an elective next semester. To do so, we could really use your help to build up our supply closet. If you have any extras of the following items please consider donating them to us:
-Measuring cups-Measuring spoons-Mixing bowls
-Wooden spoons-Spatulas -Whisks
-Hand mixers-Cooking/baking pans - Sauce pans
Please leave all donations in the school office.
Time & Talent: Basketball Volunteers Needed
Basketball season has started! CSSE hosts games almost every Saturday and we need volunteers to staff the gym. Everyone can help: middle and high school students can work in the concession stand; high school students and parents can run the clock or keep the official scorebook. We also need parents to supervise the gym (which just means being there in case of an emergency). Everyone can earn service or Time and Talent hours. We currently only have Decembers schedule, so continue to check back for more dates! Contact Debbie Langston with questions: [email protected] or (405) 823-3511 Signup link:
Meal Train for Senora Fox
Senora Fox is in need of assistance. Please go to her meal train sight below and sign up to provide her and her husband dinner. If you have any questions, please email Petra Hutchison at [email protected].
Help Us Fill St. Nick’s Shoppe at Catholic Charities
CSSE students will collect children's gift items for St. Nick's Shoppe at Catholic Charities. A flyer will be sent out via RenWeb with a list of ideas. These items are to be unwrapped with their original tags on them. Please have the gift items to your child's class by Fri, Dec. 8. These gifts will be delivered on Mon, Dec. 11. If you can help deliver gifts, please email Susan Ison: [email protected].
Middle School Youth Group
Come meet with us on Tuesday Dec 12th from 3:00 - 4:45. Let's discuss God's word, pray, and have tons of fun! Snacks, pizza, and drinks provided.
Teacher Christmas Wish Lists in Gym!
Our teachers give so much to our children every day. Let’s make sure they have the supplies and materials they need without having to dive into their own pockets! Each teacher has made a wish list of items they need, which can be found hanging in the gym. Please pick up an item from your child’s teacher’s wish list and send it to class with your child before Christmas break.s and your hearts.
CSSE Christmas Program Information
The Catholic School of St. Eugene is proud to present your child(ren) in the CSSE Christmas music program! Please note, there will be two (2) programs, one for 3rd-5th grades and Honor Choir and one for grades PK-3 to 2nd grade. Below are some logistic details to help us make this a safe and successful celebration of Christ.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the music instructor Mr. Carlton, Mrs. Ison or Mr. Eaton.
3rd-5th Grade Music Program and Honor Choir
Thursday, December 7 at 6:30pm - Ross Hall
Student Attire: Unless your child has a special costume, they are to wear school/church appropriate Christmas dress clothes (no t-shirts, jeans, shorts, sweatpants, etc. please).
Parking: Open to the entire campus.
Student Arrival Instructions: 3rd-5th grade students need to report to their regular classroom no later than 6:00pm. Parents may take their seats after dropping the student in their room, as the students will be escorted to Ross Hall at 6:20. Honor Choir students in 6th-8th grade arrive at 6:00pm in Ross Hall.
PK-3-2nd Grade Music Program
Friday, December 8 at 2:00pm Ross Hall
Student Attire: 1st-2nd students will wear their school uniforms. PK-3, PK-4, K and should wear Christmas apparel. Parking: Front (North) side of the Church only. The rear (school) side will be chained off as normal for car line and dismissal. Please plan on entering Ross Hall from the main church entrance. Older Siblings: Parents may request that older sibling(s) in grades 3-8 be checked out of class at 2:00 p.m. to watch the younger student performance. Please contact the front office to excuse them. Dismissal: Pk-3 to 2nd grade students will return to the classroom after the program with their teacher for 2:50 dismissal. If you would like to check out your child(ren) please go to the school office following the program. If you have an older sibling with you they will need to be checked out from the front office like normal as well.
Irish Winter Baseball Camp
When: December 15 @ 6:30pm-9:00pm; Pitching/Catching
December 16 @9:00am-11:30am (Session 2); Hitting
December 16 @ 1:30pm-4:00pm (Session 3); Infield
Where:Bishop McGuiness Catholic High School Baseball Facility
Ages: 9-13 years old
Price: $60.00 for 1 session; $110.00 for 2 sessions; $150.00 for all 3
Contact Jon Ubenga at [email protected] for more info.
St. Patricia’s Guild Meeting
Women of the parish are invited to St. Patricia’s Altar Society Christmas Party! It will be held Thurs, Dec. 7 at 6:00pm at the home of Marcy Tolentino, 4716 Tamarisk Dr. OKC, OK 73142
Co-hostess is Pia O'Hare. Please bring a "Dirty Santa" gift ($15 limit) and a plate of finger food to share. Call Christie 405-842-2323(home) if you need more information.
Advent Prayers, Week 2: Peace
Dear Jesus, you entered our world on Christmas as the Prince of Peace. This Advent, as we strive to become the-best-version-of-ourselves, fill us with a deep and abiding peace. Help us share that peace with everyone we encounter, especially those who need it most. Amen.