Sun., Apr. 10 - Palm Sunday
Sun., Apr. 10 - Last Day to Order Yearbooks
Tues., Apr. 12 - Spirit Tee Tuesday and 2pm Dismissal
Wed., Apr. 13 - Class Picture Day (Mass uniform/8th in dressy attire)
Thurs., Apr. 14 - Last Supper Re-enactment (no school mass, normal uniform)
Fri., Apr. 15 - Good Friday - EARLY RELEASE at 1pm
Sun., Apr. 17 - Easter Sunday
Mon., Apr. 18 - NO SCHOOL (Easter Monday)
Tues., Apr. 19 - Spirit Tee Tuesday and 2pm Dismissal
Thurs., Apr. 21 - School Mass (8:15am)
Thurs., Apr. 21 - Turn in Gala Raffle Tickets
Fri., Apr. 22 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Teague!
Fri., Apr. 22 - St. Eugene Gala
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Class picture day is coming up on Wednesday, April 13th.
K-7th grade wear mass dress uniform
8th grade wear dressy attire - follow free dress guidelines as minimum standard.
Order envelopes have gone home for pre-orders, and must be returned to classroom teachers by April 13th.
Students may wear normal school uniforms on Thursday as we will have a prayer service instead of mass.
Sunday is the last day to order and secure your own full color, hardback book of school memories! Each copy costs $20 and will be billed through FACTS. Do not count an extras being available as we are trying to avoid over-ordering. The yearbook will arrive before the end of the school year so students get a chance to collect signatures. Link to order will close after April 10th.
Our Time and Talent program requires each family to contribute 30 hours of service to the school. Only 20 hours are needed for single parent families. Grandparents can earn hours for their children's families, however you must indicate which grandchild's family you are working for in each particular instance. Students may earn up to 10 hours of their family’s obligation, provided it is for an approved and qualifying volunteer opportunity.
Time and Talent hours must be logged through your FACTS Family Portal under Family Information, Service Hours. Deadline to submit hours for the 2021-22 school year is Friday, May 27, 2022. Logging hours is the responsibility of the family. If your family chooses not to donate the minimum service hours, a $10 fee is charged for each hour not completed. The charges will be uploaded into FACTS. Unpaid charges can affect final registration for the 2022-2023 school year.
Our gala committee is raffling off a $5,000 cash prize OR a year’s free tuition for one student (up to $5,000) - winner’s choice! We are asking each school family to sell at least 10 tickets to help raise money for our school and parish community to help reach our goal of $19,000. Tickets cost $10 each. Checks may be made out to "St. Eugene Gala." Winner will be announced at the gala on April 22nd. They need not be present to win.
If you sell all of your tickets and need more, please contact Jennifer Taylor or ask in the school office. Money and tickets can be turned in any time, but must be turned in to the school office no later than April 21st!
Student Incentives:
Top ticket seller will receive a $300 gift card to Amazon or Target - our current leader (Dani Tran) has sold about 60 tickets!
2nd and 3rd place sellers will each receive a $100 gift card to Amazon or Target! - our current 2nd and 3rd place sellers (Lennox McCormick and Micah Thompson) have sold about 30 tickets each!
Classes with 100% participation (all students in class selling all 10 tickets) get a pizza party! Mrs. Taylor’s Kindergarten, Mrs. Long’s 3rd, and both 2nd grade classes are close!
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends! Have an idea for an Eat and Earn or school fundraiser? Email us at [email protected]!
Ted’s - N. May location - Wednesday, May 4th from 5-9pm
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site, and join the PTO Facebook group for more info.
Congratulations to 7th grader Elliott Hattaway for his acceptance to The University of Tulsa Summer Cryptography Academy! He was one of a limited number of students who applied and was accepted after completing an essay and obtaining recommendations. He will spend a week at the TU campus learning encryption techniques, solving and creating puzzles, solving math challenges, and designing escape rooms while living on campus.
Congratulations to CSSE alum Chisa Nwanebu! He is a member of the BMCHS Academic Team that won the Class 5A State Championship held at Rose State College last weekend! This is the school’s first Academic Team State Championship since winning the title in 2000.
Congrats to Aquinas House for winning the Dodge Ball House Challenge this week!
Have some news to celebrate? Let us know about your student's achievements, family joys, or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
Pray for peace in Ukraine. | Please pray for Mrs. Hackett who continues to recover from the side effects of COVID-19.I Please pray for Mrs. Aleman’s mother who is very ill. | Please pray for Judy Seymour, grandmother of Isla and Lusiana. | Please pray for Linda Skinner, a mentor and dear friend to Mrs. Goldsworthy. She is going through chemo. | Please pray for the healing of Sasha, cousin to Mark Roby and granddaughter to Mrs. Neal. | Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Pray for those in our community who are quarantined, ill, or struggling to recover from COVID-19 | Pray for our staff, students, and their families.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at [email protected].
Communications Volunteers Needed - Are you creative with words, photos or design layout? St. Eugene is ramping up parish communications and needs volunteers to help make it happen. Please contact Colleen de Keratry at [email protected] and let's see how you might like to be involved.
Mobile Meals Seeking Volunteers! Meals on Wheels (formerly Mobile Meals) has been a volunteer ministry at St. Eugene Church since 1980. We deliver lunch every Monday to our homebound neighbors. We currently are in need of delivery drivers to deliver meals one Monday per month. We also need substitute drivers who could help as needed. If you are interested in helping, please call or text Peggy Berringer at 405-473-9928.
Father/Son Retreat! A Father/son retreat will be held May 6-7 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Camp. The retreat will be led by Dave DiNuzzo, founder of True Manhood Catholic Men's Ministry. For ages 10 and up, $25 per person. For questions, contact Deacon Joe Vandervort at [email protected] or 405-709-2714. Register at