Cafeteria Payments
Cafeteria payments are made via your FACTS Prepay lunch account. This is a family account. If you have multiple children, you do not need to add separate funds for each child. All lunch charges for each child will be billed to your family account. Balances from the previous school year have been transferred to this school year.
Once your family account balance falls below $10, you will get an email reminder that your balance is getting low. You will also get alerts when your balance is negative. Please follow the instructions below to make a payment when you receive these alerts
Instructions for adding cafeteria funds:
Using ParentsWeb
Access your ParentsWeb account at
Select Login > Parentweb
District code is tse-ok
Select Financial from the left column
Under the Prepay Lunch account box for 202x-2x school year, Select Add Funds
You will be able to add funds and select the account you would like to use to pay.
Using Renweb App
Select FACTS from the home screen on your app
Select Prepay Accounts
Select Add Funds (at the bottom of your screen)
You will be able to add funds and select the account you would like to use to pay. Make sure to select 202x-2x school year as the Term
Contact Liz Metz, Tuition Director, at [email protected] with any questions.
View monthly lunch menu and info at