Thoughts and Prayers
Please pray for healing and improved health for C. Greuel, grandfather of Elliott and Teddy Hattaway. For Señora Connie Fox-Arrington, grandmother of Trinity and Thomas Martin and our beloved CSSE Spanish teacher, who is going through aggressive breast cancer treatment. Martin Horn, uncle of Rebecca and Joseph Horn, has settled in Oklahoma to live with family and continue rehabilitation and healing after a devastating spinal cord injury. The family has been blessed by the SE community!
Prayer for Intercession from Fr. Stanley Rother
O faithful shepherd, Blessed Stanley Rother, as priest and missionary, you tilled the soil with your hand and invited Christ Jesus to till the soil of your soul. You became a sign of the love of Christ the Good Shepherd for your People, and blessed their lives by your ministry. You stood firm and did not run from danger, bringing glory to God and His Church in your martyrdom. Blessed Stanley, obtain from the heart of Jesus healing and full recovery for those for whom we pray, and pray for me, that I too may be a sign of Christ’s love among His people. Teach me to faithfully till the soil of this life in the reality given to me by our Father, unafraid to stay with those God has given me, no matter the cost. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
If you would like to include something in the Thoughts and Prayers section, please contact Kristin Goodale at [email protected]
Important Dates
Today: School Mass, 8:15am
Mon, Jan. 15: MLK Day - School in Session, Day of Service
School Mass, 8:15am
Thurs, Jan. 18: School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Jan. 19: Ice Cream Day
Wed, Jan. 24: Green Team Meeting, 3:15pm
Jan. 27-Feb 2: Catholic Schools Week! (CSW - Additional details in post below)
Jan. 27-28: CSW - Wear your dress uniform to weekend Mass
Sun, Jan 28: CSW - CSSE Open House, 10:30-12:00
Mon, Jan. 29: CSW - Wear PJs to school & Volunteer Recognition
Tues, Jan. 30: CSW - Color Wars Day & Lunch w/ Parents
Wed, Jan. 31: CSW - Dressing Through the Decades
Thurs, Feb. 1: CSW - School Mass, Alumnus of the Year Announced
Fri, Feb. 2: CSW - Fine Arts Night
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Day of Service Monday, Jan 15
Our school will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with day of service and prayer. The day will start with Mass at 8:15am; all parents are invited to attend. Students do not have to wear their dress uniforms on this day. They will be participating in service projects throughout the day and learning about the lives of those who promote peace and service. Middle school will be participating in special service oriented field trips. We will still have regularly scheduled Mass Thursday and students must be in dress uniforms.
MLK Day Service Project – Donations Needed!
Our Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service project for the year is putting together hygiene packets for the homeless at Women’s Sanctuary Women’s Development Center We will be asking families to donate the following travel size items to construct packets: shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and body soap. We are also in need of boxes gallon size freezer bags and new washcloths for the hygiene packs. Donated items can be brought to the school office anytime between now and Monday morning.
Drivers Needed
Drivers are needed to deliver the hygiene packs to Sanctuary Women’s Development Center. These items need to be delivered on Tuesday, January 16th. Please contact Susan Ison at [email protected] if you are interested. This is a great way to earn time and talent hours!
Report Cards
2nd quarter report cards will be e-mailed to all parents Wednesday, January 17th. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Families that have financial holds will not be receiving report cards, so please take care of those as soon as possible.
Host Families Needed for Catholic Retreat Team Students and NET Date Change!
The National Evangelization Team (NET) is scheduled to be at St. Eugene Catholic School, March 6 (this is the new date!) to facilitate a Middle School Retreat for our students. We will need to provide housing and dinner that night by a host family. The team includes 6 males and 6 females. The team members travel with sleeping bags and are flexible. They can stay in host homes with a minimum of two team members of the same gender staying together. No one team member should ever be housed alone. We are looking for host families to house two or more of the team members. Host families will fulfill ALL of their Time and Talent obligations for this school year! If you are interested, please contact Mr. Eaton at [email protected] or call the school office. More information on this NET retreat coming soon!
Catholic School Week
These words are the theme for National Catholic Schools Week that will be celebrated Jan 28-Feb 2. This is the time each year when we celebrate what makes Catholic education distinctive and exceptional. During this week of celebration we have many activities planned. A full schedule will be sent home in a few weeks, however here are some dates to put on your calendar:
Volunteer Coffee and Treats - Thank You!
If you volunteer in any capacity at Saint Eugene we invite you to Monday morning assembly on January 29th so you can be recognized and thanked by our students. Afterward, enjoy in the meeting rooms coffee and some breakfast treats with your fellow volunteers.
Enjoy Lunch with Your Child During Catholic Schools Week
On Tues, Feb 3, parents are invited to come and eat lunch with their child. Please make reservations with Tina Hackett at [email protected] by Jan. 25. A flyer will be going home. This is for grades P3 through 5th grade only. Middle school will be enjoying a special pizza lunch in Ross Hall.
Girls on the Run - Sign Up Today!
You still have time to sign you daughter up for Girls on the Run! All 3rd-5th grade girls are invited. For more information about enrolling or becoming a coach please call/text Melissa Rainbolt at 405-627-4599. You can register your child at The deadline for sign up is Feb. 1. We will practice Tues and Thurs right after school until 4:30-4:45.
Volunteer Coaches Needed for Girls on the Run
We need 1-2 more parents to help us coach. If you are interested please contact Leslie Littlejohn at [email protected]. You don't have to be an experienced runner to be a coach. You can work your way up to a 5k with all the girls. You can also call or text me if you have questions. 405-627-4599. We will practice Tues and Thurs right after school until 4:30-4:45.
Middle School Youth Group Meeting
Please join us on Tuesday Jan 16 at our regularly scheduled time of 3:00 - 4:45 for Middle School Youth Group. We'll be back for our usual prayer time, social time and of course - eating time!
Also, mark your calendars for Tuesday Jan 23 when we have Jordan Alison from the OSBI scheduled to speak with us about Internet and Cell Phone Safety. Parents are welcome to attend.
Meal Train for Senora Fox
Senora Fox is in need of assistance. Please go to her meal train sight below and sign up to provide her and her husband dinner. If you have any questions, please email Petra Hutchison at [email protected].
Box Tops - Get Those Scissors Ready!
It's time to cut out and save those Box Tops! Box Tops are on the boxes and packaging of many of the grocery items you buy every week! Each Box Top earns our school 10 cents in cash! A sheet for Box Tops will be sent home with your child. Please fill those up and turn them in!
Uptown Market Receipts for Education
The Receipts for Education program is now accepting Uptown Market receipts! Help our school earn FREE classroom equipment! Shop at Uptown Market and save your receipts, then send your collected receipts to school with your student or place them in the our “Fundraising Robot” located in the school lobby throughout the school year.
If you have any questions about these programs, please contact Belva Neal at [email protected]
Time & Talent: Basketball Volunteers Needed
Basketball season has started! CSSE hosts games almost every Saturday and we need volunteers to staff the gym. Everyone can help: middle and high school students can work in the concession stand; high school students and parents can run the clock or keep the official scorebook. We also need parents to supervise the gym (which just means being there in case of an emergency). Everyone can earn service or Time and Talent hours.Continue to check back for more dates! Contact Debbie Langston with questions: [email protected] or (405) 823-3511 Signup link: