PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for Robyn Paliotta, grandmother of Christopher and Sofia Petromilli who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Pray for Matthew Fowler and his family as they mourn the death of Matthew's grandmother Mrs. Donna Harper. Please pray for Joe Hill, husband of former CSSE teacher and librarian Lynn Hill, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Continue to pray for Thi Pham, mother of Sophia, Celine and Sienna Pham, who is recovering from surgery.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at
[email protected]
IMPORTANT DATES Today School Mass, 8:15am
Tomorrow Gala Sign Up Event - Bedlam Free Dress Day
Ice Cream Day!
CSSE Food Drive Deadline
Scotch & Cigars Event - Hosted by Dad's Club, 7:0opm
Nov 10-16 CSSE Book Fair!
Nov 13 Thanksgiving Parent Lunch (New Date!)
Nov 17 Turkey Bingo! 6:00pm, School Gym
Nov 19-23 NO SCHOOL! - Thanksgiving Break
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more! SCHOOL NEWS My School Anywhere App – On-line School Directory Access Available Every family at the school has free access to the online directory. For those that have purchased a printed directory, it will be printed and available shortly. Extras will be on sale in the office for $10.
If you are new to the school, you should have received a separate email with log-in instructions. For those using the app for the first time or who need a refresher, here is some additional log-in information:
How do I access my school's account? Simply go to the login page and try logging in. If you don't recall your password, request a new password using the "Forgot my Password" link.
If the system doesn't recognize your email address it means you're not registered in your school's account or you registered with a different email.
The online directory will continue to be updated throughout the year so as new students come in or families move, you will always have access to current information. If your personal information changes, please notify Janie Patrick of the change so we can update RenWeb and the online directory.
If you have any questions or are having log-in trouble, please email
[email protected].
Substitute Teachers Needed! The Catholic School of St. Eugene is in need of substitute teachers! If would like more information, please send an email to [email protected]. Safe Environment training required.
Teacher’s Wishing Trees Wondering what to get your children’s teachers for Christmas this year? Really want to give them gifts they’ll appreciate and use? Each year the PTO coordinates Wishing Trees for all of our wonderful teachers. Look for Christmas trees, one for every teacher, to appear in the gym the week of November 12. The trees will be decorated with stars, and each star will have a wished for item on it. Reach for those stars and grant the teachers’ wishes!
Good Luck, Coach Bowman! Good luck to Coach Bowman and the Fighting Irish!! They will be facing Altus in the first round of football playoffs this Friday at home. Kickoff is at 7:00pm. Go Irish!!!
Circle of Grace During the week of Nov. 12th-16th during your child’s regular religious education time, the Circle of Grace curriculum will be taught. The aim of this program is to teach children how to be safe, protect themselves, and communicate any potential danger. In the Church’s desire to help keep your children safe, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City requires that all children and young people participating in religious education in any parish
or Catholic school in the Archdiocese receive this instruction. If you have any questions, concerns or would like to review the curriculum, please contact Mrs. Ison.
Gala Bedlam Free Dress Day Is Tomorrow! Bedlam Free Dress Day is Friday, November 9th! If you did not purchase this at the gala you can still purchase free dress for your child(ren). Cost is $20 per child. Children may wear Sooner or Cowboy gear to show who they think is the best team in Oklahoma. Hats and athletic clothing are allowed. The team with the most representation gets to hear their fight song on the PA system! Who knows, maybe our principal will don the winning team's jersey? This can be purchased through the Gala website at: and Checks can be made out to St Eugene Gala and dropped off in the office.
Aftercare Seeking Assistant Director The aftercare program is looking for an energetic, kind, children loving individual to be the new assistant director. During the school year it will be approximately 15 hours a week. Summer camp would be 35 to 40 hours a week
If interested please call Jenny Blevins at 405 535 1975
Announcing New Aftercare Pricing! We are making our drop in rate more family friendly. The drop in rate for one child is $10 an hour, the new rate for multiple children in a family will be $15 an hour. We are hoping that this change will make aftercare more affordable for families that utilize it on a drop in basis.
CSSE Book Fair Is Coming: Nov. 10th-16th There's nothing like the excitement of the school Book Fair! We have a variety of fantastic new books, great series, craft kits, and other fun items! It's also a great time to pick up Christmas gifts while supporting the school. For added ease, we have an online Book Fair going on at the same time. When you place your order online by Nov. 26th, you'll be guaranteed FREE shipping (to the school) in time for Christmas! Online shopping begins Nov. 6th.
BOOK FAIR HOURS Sat. Nov. 10 - 9am-12:00pm
M, W, TH - 7:30am-4:00pm
Tues. Nov. 13 - 7:30am-3:00pm
LAST DAY Fri. Nov. 16 - 7:30am-9:00am
Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up We could use a few more volunteers to help in the library during the book fair with sales and helping people find what they need. No previous experience necessary and it's a great way to earn time & talent hours! If you have any questions please contact, Laura Chouinard at
[email protected] New School Recycling Station Have you seen the green lockers in the art hallway? They are actually a new recycling station put together by the Green Team! Students researched common school materials that can be recycled, and created collection baskets for dried up markers, broken crayons (paper removed if possible), foil drink pouches, and foil wrappers like those that go around granola bars. We may add more items over time. Feel free to drop off these items for recycling (dry and crumb-free please). Green Team will sort and send to the appropriate recycling facilities as needed. Thank you for helping us Go Green, St. Eugene!
Save the Date! Thanksgiving Parent Lunch - Nov 13! Save the date for our upcoming annual Thanksgiving Parent Lunch on Tuesday, November 13th. This is a new date from the original, so be sure to update your calendars! Details on signing-up for lunch and volunteering to come via ClassTag.
Bring in Those Cans! - CSSE Food Drive and Competition Ends Tomorrow CSSE is hosting a Food Drive event and competition from October 29 through November 9! The 4th grade class is leading the food drive as their SALT service project to help feed the hungry. Houses and grades will be combined to form teams. Each team will be collecting non-perishable food items to be donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. For the competition, the team with the most donated items will win a Sonic drink party! Examples of items to donate are:
-canned protein like chicken, tuna, chili, beans, etc.
-dry white or brown rice
-canned vegetables and fruit
-dry pasta and pasta sauces
-boxed cereal
-boxed dinners (mac and cheese, hamburger helper, etc)
-granola bars
Nearly 50 million Americans, including 13 million children, are food insecure. Food drives are an excellent way to make a significant impact in our community!
Dad's Club Scotch & Cigars Event This Friday! The Dad's Club from the Catholic School of Saint Eugene Parish will hold our annual Scotch and Cigars event on Friday, November 9th in the backyard of the parish rectory. The event starts at 7 pm.
The primary goal of the evening is fun and fellowship with our parish priests and others who can appreciate a nice dram of Scotch and a cigar.
We are asking for a gift of $25 per participant to help cover the costs of the event. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the Principal's Discretionary Fund so our new principal has some extra-budgetary funds to enhance the school and educational experience.
Jeff Simpson from Provisions Fine Beverage Purveyors and Sean Tilly from Sean's Wine and Spirits will be providing a variety of scotches for us to sample.
For those who came last year, I am going to bring a bottle of 2017 favorite -
Glenmorangie Milsean Please go to and register today!
Then, please promote the event with your friends! If you are unable to come but would still like to support the Principal's Fund, please go to the same website to make a tax deductible gift.
Thanks for supporting the Catholic school of Saint Eugene!
If you have any questions, please contact Peter de Keratry at:
[email protected] or 405-212-7551.
The 177 Project Come experience Jesus Christ in a whole new way! Praise and worship before the Most Blessed Sacrament is a very powerful way to be with our God. Family friendly event.
Domestic Church Info Session Interested in growing in holiness together with your spouse and building a
community of fellow Catholic families? Come hear more about the
growing Domestic Church movement! Alex and Sarah Schimpf will share
their story and explain the basic practices of the movement at an
informational session at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the St. Eugene
Rectory, 10716 Greystone Ave. Cheese and wine will be served, and free
childcare is available. Contact Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359 or
[email protected] to RSVP.
Advent Booklets - Envelope Stuffing Party When: Nov 15, 9 am - until we're done
Where: Meeting Room 3
Why: We have the opportunity to send out Advent Booklets this year to all of our parishioners and we need your help getting them out!
Please set aside a little bit of time (even if you can't stay the whole time) to come help us seal and send this years Advent booklets. We will provide coffee & donuts, if you will all help provide the fellowship. We are trying to make this Advent a Season of Service, so this is a perfect way to help kickstart that. Hope to see you there!