Please pray for the healing and recovery of the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Mogilka, who was in a serious car accident over Thanksgiving break. Continue to pray for the healing of Francisco Pena, brother of CSSE Pre K-4 teaching assistant Mrs. Imelda Aleman, who was diagnosed with Leukemia and is undergoing chemo therapy. We pray for the strength for his family during this difficult time.
Advent Prayer
All-powerful God, your eternal Word took flesh on our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to hear the voice which announces his glory and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at [email protected].
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break!
Dec. 25 Christmas Day - Merry Christmas!
Jan. 1 Happy New Year!
Mon, Jan. 6 First Day of 3rd Quarter
Wed, Jan. 8 Green Team Meeting, 3:45pm
Fri, Jan 10 Spirit Day!
Nomination Deadline for 2020 CSSE Distinguished Alumni Award
Report Cards Go Home
Tues, Jan. 14 PTO Eat & Earn at Chick-Fil-A (Quail Springs)
Sat, Jan. 25 Parents Kick Off CSW Dinner
Jan. 26-Feb. 1 Catholic Schools Week (details to come!)
Sun, Jan. 26 Open House for Prospective Families
Alumni Reception
Tues, Jan. 28 All School Showcase of Learning
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Intent to Re-enroll Survey
It’s that time of year again! Enrollment for the 20-21 school year is just around the corner. Prospective families are touring our school and excited about the wonderful Catholic education we offer!
To assist us in planning for the upcoming year, we have a short survey asking your intent to re-enroll your child(ren) at CSSE. Please take 1-2 minutes to complete the survey (link below) between now and December 31st. Thank you!
Mrs. Goldsworthy
From Mrs. Goldsworthy: Flu Has Hit CSSE Prayers and Keeping Aware
I have received several messages from CSSE parents informing me that their child has tested positive for the Flu. Our first case was reported Thursday after school and through this weekend, the number has risen to over ten students across several grades. Both Flu B and Flu A have been reported.
I wanted to communicate this to you so that if your child isn't feeling well, you know that it could be the flu - even if your child received the vaccine. This is hitting early this season. As we return to school, please be aware of symptoms and do not send your child to school with fever. They must be fever free for 24 hours (without medicine) before they return at school. We will also step up our cleaning protocols. Please make sure you inform your child’s teacher and the office if your child is out sick. It helps assist us in looking for symptoms in other students plus, we can keep your child in our prayers!
Keep all of our students, staff, and families in your prayers for good health and for those who are sick to heal quickly.
I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Mrs. Goldsworthy
Nominate a Distinguished CSSE Alumnus!
Do you know an exceptional St. Eugene alumnus from the past 60 years that deserves recognition for their outstanding stewardship or recent accomplishments? Nominate him or her for the Distinguished Alumni Award! Fill out the form and submit by Friday, Jan 10th, 2020.
Register as an Alumnus of CSSE!
The St. Eugene Alumni Committee is gathering contact information for our upcoming 60 years' celebrations! Please complete this form for yourself and feel free to send this link to anyone else who graduated from St. Eugene!
Save the Date! MLK SALT Day of Service
Archdiocesan schools, including CSSE, will be in session on Monday, Jan. 20th. All students will spend the day serving others and focusing on their grade level SALT topic. We will need lots of drivers and chaperones. If you have the day off or would like to help on the 20th, please let your classroom teacher know. More details and a schedule will come out in January.
Catholic Schools Week is Coming! Important Dates (details to come)
Teacher Christmas Wish Lists
In place of our Christmas Tree Wish List posters, teachers will be sharing their Amazon Wish Lists! Click here for the links to their lists!
St. Eugene Gala Gift Card Drive!
Out shopping for last minute gifts? Pick up a gift card for the upcoming gift card drive!
Receive a gift card you might not use or would like to donate? We love regifts!!!
This year’s St. Eugene Gala committee will be having a gift card drive during the first few weeks of January. Envelopes with instructions will go home to all students the Friday after break. Cards collected should be valued at $20 or more and will be used for the gift card pull at the annual Gala happening April 25, 2020. It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone’s help to make it a success!
Merry Christmas to all and have wonderful break!
-St. Eugene Gala Committee
Enroll before December 31 and receive $10 off your registration with coupon code “HOLIDAY.” Tippi Toes® visits your school once a week for a kid-friendly, positive & creative dance class. Tippi Toes® is for boys and girls ages 18 months and up!
Enroll online by clicking the “enroll today” button on the menu page of
Questions? [email protected] 405.361.3620
SAVE THE DATE! St. Eugene Gala
Gala committees are already working hard to coordinate the fabulous annual event! Mark your calendars now so you don't miss it!
What is the St. Eugene Gala?
Our annual Gala is our biggest fundraiser of the school for the year! It’s your chance to support your children, their teachers and join in fellowship with other parents and St. Eugene parishioners. If you haven’t attended a Gala, this is your year to be a part of the action!
Visit the gala site for the whole scoop!
8th Grade Fundraisers
Bracelets in school colors!
Handmade, waterproof and custom made for CSSE! 3 styles to choose from! $10 each
Koozies with school logo!
Kids can use daily to keep their water bottles cool! $5 each.
Place orders through any 8th grade student/parent or by contacting Danielle Stone or Amy Anderson at [email protected].
Thanks for your support!
Youth Group News
Thank you parents for allowing us to help your middle schooler grow in their relationship with Jesus, our saviour. May God richly bless you this Christmas season and into the New Year. Peace be with you all, Rolando and Christi Benites
Vocare Chalice at Mass
We need more families to take the Vocare Chalice home for a week and pray for Vocations. We especially need people after Saturday and Sunday 5:00 pm Masses. If interested or have questions, please email Susan Givens at [email protected] or call her at 751-7115.
Afternoon Prayer
The Church is hosting a daily prayer every afternoon Monday-Friday in the church at 2:45 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. We invite you to come when you can. There will be different prayers every month and the month of August we will add a new prayer for the school.. Please join us!