PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for the repose of the soul of Stephanie McElligott, grandmother of Andrew, Jack, Maddie and Charlotte de Keratry, who passed away suddenly on Ash Wednesday. Keep the de Keratry family in your prayers during this difficult time. Two family members of Madison and Meagan Pham are still in need your prayers: The girls' paternal grandmother, Nu Thi Do, has been diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer and will not be undergoing chemo. Please pray for her, that she will be comfortable and happy for the rest of her life. Also, the Pham girls' paternal uncle, Tien Pham, is battling colon cancer and going thru chemo. Please pray for the Pham family as they go through this difficult time.
Also, keep in your prayers Linda Klein, grandmother of Madeline Faison, and her family as she battles with aggressive terminal cancer. Keep Robyn Paliotta, grandmother of Christopher and Sofia Petromilli, in your prayers, as she undergoes her cancer treatment. Pray for Karen Vandiver, great grandmother of Alaina and Davyn Schoppa who is battling breast cancer. Please pray for Joe Hill, husband of former CSSE teacher and librarian Lynn Hill, who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kristin Goodale at
[email protected]
IMPORTANT DATES Today School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Mar 29 Stations of the Cross, 8:15am
Apr 1-5 FREE-DRESS-WEEK! (see details below)
Thurs, Apr 4 School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Apr 5 Spirit Day
Stations of the Cross, 8:15am
Sun, Apr 7 Catholic Day at OKC Dodgers Game
Wed, Apr 8 Green Team Meeting, 3:45pm
Thurs, Apr 9 School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Apr 12 CGSAA Track Practice (time TBD)
Stations of the Cross, 8:15am
Sat, Apr 13 CGSAA Track Meet
Thurs, Apr 18 School Mass, 8:15am
Fri, Apr 19 Good Friday (School in Session)
Early Dismissal, 2:30pm
Check the calendar on the school webpage for more!
School Cafeteria Closed April 23 The school cafeteria will be closed on the 23rd of April. The cafeteria staff will be attending a food show looking for new and different ideas for our cafeteria. Please make sure to send your childs lunch on this day. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 751-0067 ext.122.
Free Dress Week! Remember all those raffle tickets we sold to raise money for the Gala? We met our goal as a school, so all CSSE students get to enjoy a free dress WEEK starting next Monday, April 1st. See below for daily themes and guidelines.
Thursday Mass Parking Reminder When parking for Mass and/or school drop-off in the mornings, please be mindful of the parking spots designated "Mass Only - Handicaped Parking." This designation is not just for weekend Masses, but also applies to daily Masses including Thursday morning Mass. Let's be sure our elderly and disabled parishioners have a place to park when we join together to celebrate Mass on Thursdays.
PTO General Meeting We will be having a general meeting on Tues. April 2 in the gym @ 6:00pm. Come hear what PTO has accomplished this year and meet next year’s board.
Please have at least one parent attend. Free dress day for kids that have a parent sign in. No child care will be provided.
Uniform Exchange Did your kids have a growth spurt this year? Good news! Bring outgrown uniform items to the PTO meeting next Tuesday, April 2nd for the uniform exchange. Donate the outgrown items that are still in good condition and pick up a couple items that fit. Uniform exchange is FREE!
Catholic Day at the OKC Dodgers! April 7th will be Catholic Day at the OKC Dodgers game. The Saint Eugene Student Choir will be singing the National Anthem with other Oklahoma City Catholic school students. Tickers are $15 a piece and the game starts at 1:45. If you are interested in attending please turn in your money and the number of tickets you need to the school office by Tuesday, March 26th. Checks can be made out to Saint Eugene. Tickets will be delivered to the school by April 1st.
Easter Egg Hunt & Donations Please donate candy and stickers and plastic eggs for the hunt! You can drop them off in the school or church office by April 12th!
Sra. Fox Retirement & Search for Spanish Teacher St. Eugene School has been blessed with a wonderful Spanish program headed by our dear Señora Fox-Arrington. After more than 20 years at St. Eugene, Señora will retire at the completion of the current school year. If your child has a lovely "r" trill and can pray The Lord's Prayer with a beautiful Spanish accent, it's because of Señora. Please take the time to thank her for cultivating a love of the Spanish language and culture within our students.
With Señora's pending retirement, St. Eugene is beginning the search for a dynamic, Spanish educator to teach grades Kindergarten through 8th starting in Fall of 2019. The ideal teacher will not only teach our students the Spanish language, but will seek to broaden their global perspective through the lens of world language and engaging, active lessons. If you know someone who would be a great fit for St. Eugene, please let them know to send their resume and qualifications to
[email protected] - subject: Spanish teaching position.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training this Summer The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program that gives the words and materials to share our Catholic faith with the youngest children here at Saint Eugene. It is rooted in the educational principles of Maria Montessori, the Bible, and the liturgy of the Church. This program has shown to encourage a greater participation in Mass and a strong foundation for the reception of the sacraments. The students in grades Preschool 3-First grade participate weekly in this wonderful program.
This summer training will be available to anyone interested in this program and sharing their Catholic faith with young children. The dates of the training are April 29th-June 1st and June 12th-June 15th. For more information or to sign up, please contact Susan Ison at
[email protected].
Do You Love to Dance and Boogie? Tippi Toes classes will get you moving and grooving all semester long! Tippi Toes Dance offers enthusiastic and engaging dance classes for boys and girls. Class at St. Eugene’s will focus on Ballet, Jazz & Tap technique, while encouraging creativity and self-expression. Using original Tippi Toes music, Tippi Toes instructors will guide dancers through weekly lessons that promote a life of confidence, compassion, and FUN! Dancers will have the opportunity to participate in a spring recital in May to celebrate all that they have learned!
***Classes are held in Ross Hall at 4 pm on Tuesdays. Boys and Girls are welcome, we have a great group of both!***
[email protected] call/text 405-361-3620
Overdue Books and Fines Please return any overdue books and pay any fines on your child's library account so he or she has a clean slate for the 4th quarter. Emails should be coming home automatically when something is overdue. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Hattaway
[email protected]. Library policies are
Sign Up for CSSE Summer Camp! All 2019 Summer Camp info, including registration forms, is posted on the school website! Sign up today
What You Give Up for Lent Changes Lives This year our school is participating in Operation Rice Bowl through Catholic Relief Services. The rice bowls will be going home Monday, March 4th. 75% of donations to CRS Rice Bowl supports Catholic Relief programs around the world, and 25% supports local hunger and poverty alleviation efforts. For more information about how you can make this service project more meaningful for your family please go to
Stations of the Cross Please join the Saint Eugene school community for Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent (except March 15th and March 22nd). The time is at 8:15am. The Good Friday time will be announced soon. The dates are as follows:
March 29 - 6A
April 5 - 5th Grade
April 12 - 2nd and 3rd Grade
April 19 Good Friday - 8th Grade, time TBA
School Uniform Update Flynn O’Hara is our new official uniform company! If you attended the Eagle Expo, samples were on display for parents to handle and see the quality of their fabrics. Here are a few tidbits:
1. The guide put together by FlynnO’Hara is our official guide for uniforms for Mass and casual days. Some items are optional while others you may find from other locations, however, Flynn O’Hara is encouraged.
2. Our school receives 5% cash back when CSSE purchases are made!
3. Free shipping on orders over $50.00!
4. Items that parents have purchased previously will still be allowed to be worn as long as they fit the uniform guidelines.
5. We will retire the Lands End items for purchase this Spring.
6. To make purchases, visit our personal
CSSE FlynnO’Hara site.
40 Days for Life! Join the youth of our parish on Saturday March 30 to pray outside an abortion clinic on the south side of OKC. Email Rolando for more details.
[email protected]
A Lenten Retreat for Women - Arts & Faith Lent Join us for a Lenten Retreat for Women on Saturday, March 30 from 8am. to 5pm. in the Meeting rooms at St Eugene. Cost is $40 for breakfast, lunch and supplies. Contact Patty Deardon -
[email protected]; Judi Wilkinson -
[email protected].
Baptisms of Children Ages 4-17 Sign Up Seminar for parents and godparents of children ages 4-17 will be Sunday, March 31. English presentation at 10:45 am and Spanish presentation at 1:30 pm. THIS SEMINAR IS REQUIRED. Godparents
must bring copies of certificates of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage (if applicable). If godparent isn't a member of St. Eugene Parish, he/she must bring letter from own parish stating that he/she is a practicing member. Classes for children ages 7-17 will be Sunday mornings, April 7 and April 14, 10:45 am - Noon, Meeting Room 1. Baptisms will be Saturday, April 27 at 8:30 am.
First Communion Grade 2 Reminder of upcoming events.
Holy Thursday Mass, April 18, 7 pm: Traditionally First Communion children are part of the procession to transfer the Blessed Sacrament to Ross Hall for adoration. The children should come to Mass with their parents and then come to the narthex after Communion to line up for the procession.
Practice for First Communion: Thursday, May 2, 6:30 pm in the church. The child has to be accompanied by a parent. The children come dressed for First Communion as group picture is taken at practice.
First Communion: At all the Masses weekend of May 4 & 5. Please remember to bring your child to the Sacrament of Penance before First Communion. Questions:
[email protected] or 751-7115 ext 115.
First Communion Grades 3 - High School Sign up Parent Meetings will be April 28, 2019 in the Meeting Rooms. English presentation is at 10:45 pm and Spanish presentation is at 1:30 pm. Classes will be all Saturdays in July 2019, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. First Communion will be the weekend of August 3 & 4, 2019. Children have to have at least one year of religious education either in the school or in the RE program.
New Youth Group Schedule The new Middle School Youth Group will now be ROTATING weeks. It will not be the first Tuesday of the month for 6th graders and second Tuesday for 7th and 8th graders of each month as stated in last week's Eagle Express. Please make note of the following dates for middle school youth group meetings.
April 2 - 6th grade
April 9 - 7th and 8th grade
April 16 - 6th grade
April 23 - 7th and 8th grade
EMBRACES: Marriage Enrichment Ministry We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month after the 5:00 pm Mass for about 1 1/2 hours.
After a short program, couples are invited to go on a “mini” date to discuss the topics as they relate to their marriages. If they have children in our FREE “Evening Care”, they can stay with us until 10:00pm. Contact us at: [email protected].
Follow us on myParish app / EMBRACES or facebook: St. Eugene EMBRACES