We are excited to announce that ticket sales & sponsorships are now OPEN for the 2022 St. Eugene Gala.
We hope that you will join us for Bubbles & Bowties: A Party with a Purpose on April 22, 2022 at the Skirvin Hilton.
The annual St. Eugene Gala is the biggest fundraiser of the year for our school. Not only is it a night of raising money for our children's education and our parish, but we have fun doing it. Our galas are nothing short of an evening to remember and being that we are finally back in person, we are going all out!
While you mingle with other fellow St. Eugene parents and parishioners, there will be live and silent auctions to participate in, with must have items to win. There will be excellent cuisine, musical entertainment, games to play, drinks to enjoy, and just an exciting adult night out.
All while supporting our parish, our school, and our school staff, who continue to provide The Education You Pray For.
Hurry and get your tickets and make plans to join us for an incredible evening together!