What's inside? -Out of Uniform Day tomorrow for those who wore uniforms to Mass during CSW - Stations of the Cross schedule - CSSE Basketball Pep Assembly Info - Many opportunities to deepen your faith this Lent - Yearbook: a call for photos and sale information - Athletic Commission openings... And MORE!
Due to the icy roads, please be aware of the following: We will start after school dismissal at 2:45 for grades 1-8 and 2:30 for grades Preschool and Kindergarten. You are welcome to come and check out your child early, but if you plan to do this, please do so before 2:00. We will be closing aftercare at 4:30 today. Please be sure to pick your child up at or before this time. NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Feb. 21st.
What's inside? -Out of Uniform Day for wearing uniforms to Mass during CSW - Stations of the Cross schedule - Last Chance for Laser Tag - Many opportunities to deepen your faith this Lent - Yearbook: a call for photos and sale information - Athletic Commission openings... And MORE!
Yearbooks on Sale NOW! Place your order for the 2017-2018 Yearbook now! The book is a 48 page, hard bound, color yearbook featuring photo memories you won’t want to miss! The price of the yearbook through March 1st is $20. The price jumps to $25 after that date.
What's Inside? - 2nd Grade First Confession Reminder - Parent/Godparent Seminar Info - Conversations with Kathryn Whitaker dates - Teachers' Lounge Request - Host Family Opportunity to Earn ALL Time & Talent Hours for the Year ...and more!
What's Inside? - 8th Grade Fundraiser Items Sale - Girls on the Run deadline today! - Conversations with Kathryn Whitaker dates - Muffins with Moms date - Teachers' Lounge Request - Host Family Opportunity to Earn ALL Time & Talent Hours for the Year ...and more!