What's Inside? - Secure your seat for next year! - Thank you for sharing our school! - Congratulations to our 2020 Distinguished Graduate! - SALT Wrap Up! - Father/Daughter Dance! - Special Early Dismissal Days! - P/T Conferences! - Box Tops! - Save the Date for Fine Arts Night! - Gala! ... And More!
What's Inside? - Catholic Schools Week 2020! - RSVP for CSW Parent Kick Off! - Eagle Expo! - Gala Gift Card Drive! - Save the Date for our School Track Meet! - Box Tops!... And More!
Check your Friday folders - envelopes came home last week for the annual gift card drive! Please send in unused cards (for shopping, food, or fun) valued at $25 or more. Cash or check donations are also appreciated and will be used by the committee to purchase additional cards. The annual Gala will take place on April 25, 2020. Mark your calendars - It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone’s help to make it a success! Remember – donations count for time and talent hours and $10 = 1 hour! -St. Eugene Gala Committee
What's Inside? - Distinguished Graduate Award Nominations Due - Dads' Club - NEW Enrichment Clusters! - Communication Awareness - Save the Date for SALT - Catholic Schools Week dates to know - Youth Group - Gala Gift Card Drive... and More!
Enrollment for the next school year will begin for current families today. You will receive an email from Tuition Director, Liz Metz, with instructions for completing the online enrollment process. Please complete your enrollment by February 8th to secure your child’s seat and to qualify for the early bird registration fee. New student applications are now open. If you are planning to submit an application for a sibling, please make sure to apply by February 8th. The application fee is $25. Siblings that meet the enrollment criteria will be given enrollment preference.
Dear Parents and Families! Checkout the attached letter regarding a new program at CSSE called, Enrichment Clusters: Bringing Enrichment to ALL Students! We will begin our implementation with all 2nd through 8th graders in February! We are encouraging parents and community members to get involved sharing their talents and interests! All the details are in the attached letter! We are looking forward to kicking off our first round of Enrichment Clusters! Mrs. Goldsworthy
Happy New Year to all! It’s about that time to be inundated with news, updates and reminders about our annual Gala coming up in April. Tonight we got the pleasure of surprising and presenting flowers to our special and very much deserving Honoree along with some of her family members. Please join me in congratulating Judi Wilkinson and we look forward to honoring her in April! More news and exciting Gala events to come...
Do you know an outstanding CSSE Alumnus from the past 60 years? Nominate him or her for consideration for our annual Distinguished Graduate Award! Nominations due by Jan. 10, 2020. forms.gle/dAuXrr2vVqCVdAhv9