Call 405-720-9878
Archdiocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Paige Hauser
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 405-721-5651 ext 146
Vicar General: Very Reverend William L. Novak, V.G.
Phone: 405-721-1811 ext. 139
Archdiocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Jennifer Goodrich
Phone: 405-720-9878
For the safety of children and the healing of victims, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City provides a Pastoral Response Hotline for reporting the abuse of a minor (past or present) by a member of the clergy or other Archdiocesan Personnel. Calls to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Response Hotline will be answered by the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator (VAC). If you are a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon or someone representing the Catholic Church, the V AC will offer to meet with you in person, if you so desire. The VAC will also assist you in making a formal complaint to the Archdiocese, arranging a personal meeting with the Archbishop or his representative, and in obtaining pastoral counseling. Calls are confidential with the following exceptions:
• Any allegation of sexual or physical abuse or neglect involving a minor must be reported to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Hotline (1-800-522-3511). This is required by Oklahoma state law.
• Any allegation of sexual misconduct involving Archdiocesan Personnel will be shared with the proper Archdiocesan authorities, as required by Archdiocesan Policies.
• Again, contact the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Statewide Abuse Hotline (1-800-522-3511). Contacting DHS is mandatory if the victim is a minor.
• Contact a law enforcement agency (police), who can help determine options for making a criminal complaint.
• Contact a local child protection agency, a private attorney, a support group, an abuse hotline, or a mental health professional.
Get the case number.